My Recommended Reading for this Product...
Shio Koji Hot Pot Could be the Next Big Hit in the US, Move Aside Tonkotsu Ramen!
Japanese hot pot is one of my favorite dishes, especially on a cold day. My husband seems to like pretty much any of my hot pot creations, but Shio Koji hot pot is one of my favorites. Mostly because of ... [READ MORE]
Shio Koji Hot Pot Recipe – A Healthy Japanese Dish
This Japanese Shio Koji Hot Pot is a super easy dish to make and very tasty and healthy. The broth is subtle, so it does not distract from the deep taste of the fresh organic vegetables. A perfect dish for ... [READ MORE]
Curry Powder is Such a Useful Ingredients – Asian Fusion
I love all the creative ways you can prepare dishes with chicken. This is a fusion dish, with Japanese and Indian flavors. I use a mix of curry powder and other spices to prepare this chicken. Did you know consuming ... [READ MORE]